Autumn 2021
The first term of 2021/22 academic year has been busy and enjoyable at the after school club with lots of new faces and fun new activities for everyone!
First though, a quick flashback...
Year Six Leavers Celebration 2021
Each year we have a special event for the children leaving the club at the end of year 6, usually an exciting activity and a meal to say thank you and goodbye to the children who've often been with us for many years.
With the previous year's leavers sadly having missed out on their celebration due to the pandemic we were determined this time to make sure that this cohort were given a proper send off!
With the offsite activities and eateries we would usually look to still restricted we opted to bring the fun to us and booked an Archery tag activity (which included an inflatable battle tank!) on the school field and laid on a slap up pizza feast from the cookery room.
The day was a great success and a fun time seemed to be had by all!!
Changing Faces
We've said a fond farewell to a number of members of our playwork team since our last newsletter who will be very much missed as they go on to new and exciting things.
Hinda left us (again) to begin a new career in Youth Work, Hanz joined the army and Peter headed off to Film School!
Fortunately we've been quickly bolstered by two fantastic new additions: Anjana (who also works in school) and Josh W (That makes 3 Joshes on the team now!)
We've also welcomed a large number of new children to the club, some of whom are entirely new to the school and some of whom have been at Windmill for a while but are only now joining us at the After School Club.
Getting to know them all has been great fun so far and they all seem to be settling in very well, especially our brilliant new set of Reception children.
NEW Toys & Activities
Over the summer holidays (After more than a year of necessarily tight purse strings) we were finally able to have a substantial restock of our toys, games & equipment.
We used the feedback gained from our children's questionnaires and a generous
sum granted from our committee to purchase a huge and varied haul of toys, table games and external play equipment.
It's been a real pleasure to see the children enjoying all the new play opportunities they now have and we already have lots of ideas to help us restock going forward on a smaller scale at regular intervals.
Snack is back on track!
Along with the need for new toys our questionnaires also made clear how much the children had been missing our original, pre-pandemic snack format, in particular sandwiches.
With government guidelines relaxing to some extent we have now returned to serving snack items requiring preparation like sandwiches and sliced fresh fruit & vegetables as opposed to only single serving items requiring no prep.
We've also retained some of the more popular snack items we began serving last year and now have a far broader range of delicious and healthy snack choices for the children to enjoy.
Very Crafty!!
Recently we've also been focusing on providing more Art & Craft opportunities and have so far been getting (not too) messy making slime, potato prints, stencil painting and lots more.
With Diwali and Halloween fast approaching we have a raft of themed activities coming up soon too!