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WASC Newsletter Spring/Summer 2023


Updated: Jul 29, 2023

As we approach the end of another action-packed year at WASC here’s a quick round up of some of the important changes and memorable activities from the past couple of terms & a look ahead to the events in the coming academic year.

Changes to the Team & Committee

There have been some changes to both the WASC Committee & Play Assistant team this past term.

We’ve said a fond farewell this past term to Play Assistant Sheldon who leaves us to take on a full time role in retail after 8 years as part of the WASC team and will be very much missed by the team and children alike.

The team has been bolstered however by new Play Assistants, Charlie, who has joined us on a part time basis while studying to be a paramedic and Emily

We’re also very pleased to announce that we have a new Committee Chair, Jo Craig who served for some time as Club Secretary and has stepped up to Chair with Joana Silva becoming Club Secretary.

We feel very lucky as a club, to have them both in these crucial roles and look forward to benefiting from their dedication and expertise for as long as they’re willing and able.

We are still looking to expand the ranks of our committee and becoming a member is a great opportunity for parents to have insight and influence as to how the club runs and to help us make the club even better for their children.

If you have, or would like to gain experience of working as part of a committee and are interested in joining a friendly, dedicated committee team committed to making our club the best it can be please contact us on our management Email:

or the Chair:

to put yourself forward or discuss how to become involved

Upcoming AGM.

A great way to gain an understanding of whether joining the committee is for you and also just to learn more about how your children’s club is run is to attend our Annual General Meeting which will be on Thursday 13th October from 7pm until 9pm.

There will be drinks, snacks & opportunities to properly meet and chat with the Play Assistants and Committee members who make your After School Club possible.

Out of this World Creations.

Over the last couple of terms the children have enjoyed all sorts of art and craft activities with some highlights being, lucky Lanterns for Chinese New Year, Chocolate Easter Nests and a very large Spaceship made from junk modelling materials!

We’ve also been lucky enough to have some fantastic Duke of Edinburgh volunteers from Cheney again who have made & painted clay beads with the children which they’ve then used to create their own bracelets.

We would like to say a big thank you to parents who kindly donated toys and equipment to the Club

Year 6 Leavers Treat.

And finally, we’re bidding a fond farewell to another cohort of year 6 children who are leaving us to go on to great things at secondary level.

Many of them have been with us since they were little and it’s always bittersweet to see them grow up and move on.

This year they chose to have their leavers treat, which is a gift from the Committee and Club to say thank you and acknowledge their time with us, at Heavenly Desserts, a final chance for them to enjoy each other’s company (and a bit too much sugar!)

We’ll miss them all and hope to see them back sometime if not to volunteer (as many do) to at least pop in and say hi.

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